Thousands of UFO evidences comes up every year, from every other country. Some of them with proofs like photographs and videos. Some of the UFO viewers say that they have seen aliens inside the space ship. But the interesting fact I found quite recently was that there was tales of alien abduction??? Tales such as Aliens abducting people and carring out tests. I don't know how much this can be true. But so far there has been no proof of the aliens on Earth. A leading Dutch hypnotherapist, Hilda Musch, had hypnotized various victims who have been abducted (or they say so) and later found that the stories of most of them were alike. The reports of the Dutch victims also seemed to be identical in every respect to such reports taken in the United States. These people could not have possibly met or shared the story of the Alien Abduction as this report was carried out secretly.
In this computer era you cannot expect anyone to believe a photograph or a video proof. A photoshop is all you need to create a photo proof of a UFO. But there is a possibility that some of them can be true. Some of the photos were taken in 1950s when there was no photoshop to create the fakes.
Well, there is nothing more to say about the UFOs other than the debate whether they really exists or not. On my opinion, I personnaly think that Earth cannot be so special that it is the only planet which contains life. There must be living souls in other planets as well (though not all). I also believe that there is a possibility that such living creatures can visit Earth. But I feel that most of the UFO pictures I found were fakes. Very few I have seen that makes me beleive it could be true.
There is a UFO sighting in INDIA recently. On March this year two UFOs were sighted flying over Delhi Airport. This report was telecasted on CNN-IBN news channel. Click Here to see the report with the video of the UFO. Click Here to read the full article.
Let us see some of the pictures of UFO.

These two photos are probably the oldest photos I found. The one on left was taken over Passaic, New Jersey on 31st July, 1952. It is taken from an FBI document. The one on the right was taken at Brazil.
This is an interesting one. I'm not sure of its location. Its one of the few photos showing a UFO that looks like a space ship. But I also feel that this one is a fake. It looks like a family is out for a picnic and they must be playing around. And the UFO must be added using a photoshop that makes it look like people are running away from it.
Here is another one. This was taken from Google Earth. This object within the circle was found over california, USA. I could not guess what this object is. Google Earth replaced this area with another one and hence this cannot be found any more.
This certainly looks like a fake. This object, what ever it is should have been on top of a building or a pillar. All the parts below the object must have been removed through Photoshop.

I have no comments on this photo.
This photo was taken at Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Here is how the fakes are created.
First the model of the UFO is created (Left).
Then it is photographed in various angles (Right).
Then these photos are collaged with some of the scenaries using the photoshop. And the result is as in below.

The collaged pictures looks too realistic. I wonder if all the pictures are taken as this.
Here is a website that has a big collection of UFO photographs.