Have a look at the west after sunset tomorrow, December 1st, 2008. You can see the three brightest objects of the night sky very close to each other. The crescent
Moon, the goddess of love -
Venus, and the king of the planets -
Jupiter, are all close together forming a triangle between them. Venus and Jupiter move very close to each other which is called '
Conjunction'. Venus and Jupiter will only be 2 degrees apart.
The above picture is an illustration of the conjunction between Venus and Jupiter and the triangle with the Moon. In India, it can be viewed after sunset and not at 9pm.Venus is very bright, its
magnitude being -4.02 (Lesser the magnitude, brighter the object). Venus can sometime reach the magnitude of -4.6. With the rest of the sky consisting of faint stars, the triangle between the three brightest objects of the night sky will be eye-catching.
very nice....and thanks for calling! :D
I saw it and it was cool... :)
hey dude the view was spectacular and when i watched it from the mount, it was absolutely clear....
yes... it was brilliant.. but in the west all three were visible in a straight line which wasn't in India...
Have just come across your post. I saw this from southern England.
As I left work that evening, I could see the Moon and Jupiter. No Venus at that time, as it was behind the Moon. By the time I got home about an hour later Venus was just to the bottom right of the Moon.
There is a Moon-Venus-Jupiter meeting next May (http://grahampointer.blogspot.com/2010/11/four-planets-in-may-morning-sky.html) and another one in spring 2012.
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