Thousands of UFO evidences comes up every year, from every other country. Some of them with proofs like photographs and videos. Some of the UFO viewers say that they have seen aliens inside the space ship. But the interesting fact I found quite recently was that there was tales of alien abduction??? Tales such as Aliens abducting people and carring out tests. I don't know how much this can be true. But so far there has been no proof of the aliens on Earth. A leading Dutch hypnotherapist, Hilda Musch, had hypnotized various victims who have been abducted (or they say so) and later found that the stories of most of them were alike. The reports of the Dutch victims also seemed to be identical in every respect to such reports taken in the United States. These people could not have possibly met or shared the story of the Alien Abduction as this report was carried out secretly.
In this computer era you cannot expect anyone to believe a photograph or a video proof. A photoshop is all you need to create a photo proof of a UFO. But there is a possibility that some of them can be true. Some of the photos were taken in 1950s when there was no photoshop to create the fakes.
Well, there is nothing more to say about the UFOs other than the debate whether they really exists or not. On my opinion, I personnaly think that Earth cannot be so special that it is the only planet which contains life. There must be living souls in other planets as well (though not all). I also believe that there is a possibility that such living creatures can visit Earth. But I feel that most of the UFO pictures I found were fakes. Very few I have seen that makes me beleive it could be true.
There is a UFO sighting in INDIA recently. On March this year two UFOs were sighted flying over Delhi Airport. This report was telecasted on CNN-IBN news channel. Click Here to see the report with the video of the UFO. Click Here to read the full article.
Let us see some of the pictures of UFO.

These two photos are probably the oldest photos I found. The one on left was taken over Passaic, New Jersey on 31st July, 1952. It is taken from an FBI document. The one on the right was taken at Brazil.
This is an interesting one. I'm not sure of its location. Its one of the few photos showing a UFO that looks like a space ship. But I also feel that this one is a fake. It looks like a family is out for a picnic and they must be playing around. And the UFO must be added using a photoshop that makes it look like people are running away from it.
Here is another one. This was taken from Google Earth. This object within the circle was found over california, USA. I could not guess what this object is. Google Earth replaced this area with another one and hence this cannot be found any more.
This certainly looks like a fake. This object, what ever it is should have been on top of a building or a pillar. All the parts below the object must have been removed through Photoshop.

I have no comments on this photo.
This photo was taken at Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Here is how the fakes are created.
First the model of the UFO is created (Left).
Then it is photographed in various angles (Right).
Then these photos are collaged with some of the scenaries using the photoshop. And the result is as in below.

The collaged pictures looks too realistic. I wonder if all the pictures are taken as this.
Here is a website that has a big collection of UFO photographs.
very nice da... I was expecting this kind of post... thanks :)... the photos were really great da... and as u said, some are fake... there are many number of claimed sightings of the UFO... is it a co-incidence that the person has a camera when he sights the UFO???
I seriously don't know... I peep out into the sky most of the time but I never found one yet:P
ha ha ha... I have stared into the sky (when I was young) to notice any weird things... such things never happen... my sis still claims that she has seen a flying saucer (with pointed antennae)... I don't believe her... but I wish she really had... :D
im 28 years old.
ive seen a u.f.o. before. i was very young, around 5 or 6 years old. i still remember it vividly.
i walked out into the front yard of my dads house and looked up at the sky ( i liked looking at clouds back then) there were no clouds that day, but there was a small shape, like a brick, very small and far away it seemed. the more i looked at it the better i was able to see it, it seemd, and i noticed that there seemed to be things fluttering around it. immediately i began to think it was a bomber plane, dropping bombs. (i was a young boy) but they seemed to flip and spin around the craft, darting behind, and below and around. i thought the wind from the craft was catching pipe-bombs and blowing them back up around the craft. i think it felt like i was staring at it for ten minutes, trying to make sense of it. i got kinda scared and rushed into the house and told my dad what i saw. he was a navy man who worked on aircraft and he said, while sitting in his chair seeming mostly indifferent, "yeah, it'd be jsut like the japanese to spend thousands of dollars on a bomber to drop pipe-bombs on us". by the time he finally agreed to come look we went outside and it was gone.
so reading people saying that these kind of things, whatever they are, dont exist simply because theyve never personally seen it kinda makes me mad. it makes me realize how stupid people can really be.
I just finished leaving a long comment that was erased. LEts just say ufos do exist. Millions of Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, the present day population which include presidents, congressmen, military personel, pilots, astronauts... can not all be either making these things up or missinterpreting what they are actually seeing. As the majority of a snowflake is composed of numerous ice crystals that surround a infitesimal grain of dust or cosmic debree, so is the likelyhood that among millions of ufo claims that have been reported throughout recorded history contain among them grains of truth.
hi ufos have been around since recorded history i.e. egytians, sumerians, greeks. Many of whom that were avid star gazers who knew the difference between a star,venus, or a meteor. Sumerian cylinders describe space men creating them and civilization. Ezekiel, of the Bible describes a ufo abduction. For thousands of years observations have been made by creadible people with increadible accounts of sittings long before man was capable of flight. In the past hundred years, airline pilots, airforce pilots, naval personel as well as presidents have reported seeing these objects. Are they aliens, ancient inhabitants of the Earth that predate our species, or perhaps transdimentional beings with the capability to warp space and time in order to travel from their world to ours. What ever ufos are, they are most certainly real and should be looked upon as a scientific topic worth research and public awarness. And yes, there is no question that the majority of photographs and a good number of reports of ufos are either false or mistaken identities. But many seem to be real.
I’m Michael, I live in Africa. I have few Questions to ask you. Daniel what make you believes that you seen UFO? Infarct you are not sure how old you when you claim that you seen UFO. So why do you say you seen UFO? Well I believe what they say about UFO is a big lie. If UFO is real why we they haven’t see it in Asia, South America and Africa where I live. Why everything is always USA and some area in Europe??
I saw a UFO once...I was riding in the back of a truck at night with a friend and we were looking in the sky and saw a star or something go right really fast and it stopped for a half of a second then curved around and went back the way it came then disappeared into abyss...We were really scared and were talking about it for weeks afterward..
If there is UFO's there is Aliens and if there is Aliens there might be an alien attack hehe i saw one once when i was 6 in the dark in laverton it was going heaps fast (dont no how fast) then it stoped then it was gone i was scared
I seen a UFO. It was shiney and fast in the sky. It was traveling a long and then all of a suden it sped off and disapeared.
Don't you agree in zillion moons and earth like things in the universe only us as humans? In the end of the earth there will be gather all the humans from all the universe in front of Allah.
I'm 11 years old, do you expect me to belive that its UFO? It aint real people.
I live in the UFo.ㅋㅋ
I've seen UFOs before... I don't know if it was Aliens or not, but it was certainly not a regular aircraft, though possibly a military craft that is still being kept secret. The first time I was 7, and I walked out on our balcony, third floor of an apartment building, and there was a triangular shaped object hovering in the sky, it wasn't extremely high, but it was pretty far up. The outline of it was very clear, it had a large red light at each point and a slightly larger green light in the middle. It hovered for hours. The other type of UFO I have seen was green streaks of light, almost like laser, that caught my and my Mother's attention. After seeing this we noticed several objects that looked like stars but were moving very quickly in irregular patterns. I wish I could have gotten a picture, but like most cases a camera was not available, which is something everyone should remember about the cameras; some people get pictures, but most people who witness things don't, which is why I don't believe getting pictures is coincidental. Just because you don't see somethign yourself doesn't make everyone else crazy or liars. And as for there not being sightings in places other than Europe and North America? That isn't true, there are sightings everywhere, and I take offense to that statement. And just because someone can not remember their exact age years after the fact does not make them a liar. I was 6 or 7 when I saw my first UFO, and while I remember the object I saw clearly, I don't remember the exact date I saw it almost 20 years later. UFOs are a world wide phenomena, just because you and people you know haven't seen them doesn't mean other people in Asia, Africa, and South America haven't. There have actually been many sightings in South America, South America is one of the hot spots of UFO activity, especially concerning the ocean.
ive seen a ufo. 1 landed in my backyard and i was scared. i was 15 at the time
ive seen a ufo. 1 landed in my backyard and i was scared. i was 15 at the time
hahaha ufo
I am 53 and have had numerous UFO related incidences throughout my life. No point in going into detail on them as you either believe or you don't. I understand how hard it is to believe something this unbelievable. The way a non-believer becomes a believer is when they actually witness one of these events.
Hello, all.
I think all of you need to get better informed on your history. If the past is prologged and the egyptians,mayans and incas all have seen these things than they must have been real good at photoshop!! LOL!! Check out some history books even modern news, Ohare airport etc. Open your eyes!!
UFO doesn't always mean aliens.. When a flying object in sky is not identified it falls under UFO... It may be other countries military crafts or weather balloons or anything.. It doesnt always mean aliens...
i rememebr on this haloween.. it was about 9:30 p.m., some biiiig huge circular-shaped object went screamign across the sky. it was very low and i got every detail. it was also loud. eeryone in the street that i was on we're either screaming, running, both, or taking pictures. i was blankly staring like o.o. it had thousands and thousands of lights, red, green, and blue. there was a dome-like top, and the outline of it was neon green. there was a giant glowing green light in the middle of the bottom.
hello all of you!
i'm sooo sorry for you because you are all maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddd.
maybe the ufos exist but in this planet not in a milion years.go home and don't scary could find another job except scaring children and aduld.this is my opinion.
imagining imagining imagining imagining imagining imagining imagining imagining imagining
you always're not in the ufos planet.i promise you i'll find you a psychiatrist.bye bye idiot or silly or stupid or all the things you want to call yor selfs but bad not good.sssseeeeeee yooou crazy person that do this things.
hahaha you make me laugh.ufo hahaha what imaginative person must do this everyday so all the people hahahahaha can laugh hahahahaah.bye you dreaming person.
i have seen a ufo one day.i think that ufo were you.hahaha did i make you laugh?oh i ofended you. i'm so sorry,but to tell you the true i'm noooooooooottttttt.
I think these are the time machine from future
I don't have photos but my "Mummu'saw a UFO in Finland-she was certain it was real and not made out of wood either
I have never seen a ufo in my life. I am 12 and i know they are NOT real. DUH!!
I have seen several UFOs and photographed dozens. I also have a video that shows about 20 UFOs. All of these were photographed in the area of Jefferson City, MO. My web site is I have many photos posted there. I considered this area to contain an Alien Base of Operations. It had a lot of activity for one small area. The Fed. Gov. has now taken control of the area where I got the most photos so I can't take any more pictures there. Most of my photos show the ships at close range and below roof top level. I think that all will enjoy looking at my photos. I don't have anything for sale and no sign in or membership is required. We should just enjoy while we can.
Lol, i bet there is a lot of people thinking that it is a real ufo, well done #1 on google for ufo , "the picture"
Unless you are grey and about 3 1/2 feet tall with a big head with really large shiny black almond type eyes you are not the thing that came to my place and stood in front of and communicated with me. Then took off straight up in a flying thing that was out of sight in a few seconds. What is going on, does anybody know ? It was like nothing on Earth.
Yes i agree with Majik.A non believer sets himself to belief only when he experiences it.ok all rubbish comments will come to an end when there comes a real lime light on the topic of ExtraTerrestrial,Aliens etc.Before UFO one has to get deep knowledge in TRAVELLING with TIME,LIGHT etc..The only highest question i need to ask viewers is WHAT IS who can answer this question seriously, can know UFOs Aliens etc.
Really I think that this is all a huge conspiricy that has gone too far. Honestly, what would they be doing here? If we get pictures of UFOs then do the non-existent martians have pictures of our various stuff we sent into space?
I bieleve in aliens but I don't think they would want to hurt us.There proubly just as skared as us as we are of them. My name is Cliff and I'll be bloging here almost every week, please leave a comment to my therory.
There out there
nick from england.when i was eleven looking out the window 11pm approx i watched a star high up moving fast satelites/jets dont go that fast.a second star came from the left at an angle heading towards the first star catching up with it.i watched bemused wondering what iwas witnessing, suddenly the first star changed direction in a shear right angle and took off leving a streak in the sky.the second star then changed direction rapidly going after the first star.the speed of both objects was incredible.i am now aged fifty and havent seen anything else in the sky till five years ago. maybe ill describe them another day.what they were i dont know.what i do know is that there is something out there. you that mock/scorn will only be enlightend if you witness something yourselves. i didnt have a camera and i dont tell lies
singledadcool.....yes, we have flying saucers in south america too ! the place is called Cerro Uritorco, Cordoba in Argentina, its like the Area 51 (without the army). Several people talks about lights and flying objects, the energy in the place is know strange.
I saw a UFO flying high over Cal Expo in Sacramento CA. This was about 7 years ago when I was 25. I've always been one to pull my car over when I see a bright light in the sky. Oftentimes they turn out to be helicopters or planes and occasionally satellites. But those usually have the telltale flashing lights, or sound accompanyment. This light was unusually bright and it was late dusk. So I stopped and got out of my car to take a listen. There was no sound and it didn't follow a flight path. It just stayed in one place. It was at a height where all you could see is the light source. Then it did a fascinating thing. It broke up into many small flashing lights that looked sparkly and disappeared. Then after about two minutes I spotted the bright white light higher up and it faded away.
A guy told he lives in africa and he said that UFOS were never seen in asia,africa or south america. WTH? I live in Brazil(South America for thos who don't know) And i've seen one myself. Plus it can be human technology...
I would like to comment about the u.f.o.Im old now but when i,m a teen ,i gazed at sky on top of our roof,with a clear sky i saw 3 stars moving in one direction,i saw the first one going forward i thought it was a plane,but the second one goes spiral,and the third one goes faster then stop then makes a 90 degrees turn left and rights and that is continuously,All the 3 stars in one direction,i'm still wondering what it is,can some body tell me what is it.
I would like to comment about the u.f.o.Im old now but when i,m a teen ,i gazed at sky on top of our roof,with a clear sky i saw 3 stars moving in one direction,i saw the first one going forward i thought it was a plane,but the second one goes spiral,and the third one goes faster then stop then makes a 90 degrees turn left and rights and that is continuously,All the 3 stars in one direction,i'm still wondering what it is,can some body tell me what is it.i forgot to tell u it happened here in the philippines.
Hi, this is one really cool post.. I know how fake those objects look ... If UFos were sighted genuinely, it would have been a memorable news..
Write poetry
In a universe which is so large and began so long ago that we cannot comprehend it , don't you think it unlikely that we are the only intelligent form of life ?
I doubt that aliens have built spaceships to come to earth but the chances of us being alone in the universe are very very small.
I couldn't read all the comments so forgive me if I'm repeating someone else.
The image with the UFO over the truck... you said you think it's a composited image. That picture was actually taken by Billy Mier long before photoshop was developed. He didn't have the financial resources to pull off a hoax of this scale for the time period.
The shadow of the truck, while present, isn't entirely clear. The truck is actually on the ground. It stands to reason that something hovering above the truck would have a much weaker shadow in these conditions. If you look very closely you can see a very faint outline of a shadow of the thing.
I just had to go on for second about that particular image 'cause I think your assessment is not correct.
i think ufos are real i just saw over 10 websites most looked really fake but there was a nazi ufo to trick peaple with amazing areodinamics.
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