This post is dedicated to my friend
Shiyamili who once asked me to write a post about the Planet Nibiru and the destruction of Earth in 2012.
First of all, what is Planet
Nibiru? There is a conspiracy thoery stating that a rogue planet will destroy Earth on
December 12, 2012. It is said that this threatening planet on a 3600-year orbit was discovered by the ancient
Mesopotamians, who named it Nibiru, and it was known also to the Mayans, who associated it with the end of their calendar "long count" in December 2012.
It is rumored that the planet will be visible to our naked eye by 2009 in the southern hemisphere. It is also rumored that
NASA is keeping an eye on the planet.
"In spite of my frustrations, I can always hope that Nibiru will turn into a teaching moment. Its proponents are convinced that it will be visible to the unaided eye this coming spring, and its effects on the rotation and orbit of the Earth will be obvious by summer. When none of this happens, I hope they'll realize that they need better tools to distinguish fact from fiction.", says
David Morrison, a space scientist at NASA.
The existence of Nibiru is based on
Sumerian mythology. At that time there was no telescope and hence there was no way the Sumerians would have seen a planet beyond the range of Pluto. Moreover, every object discovered beyond the range of Pluto are smaller than Pluto itself. Such large planet doesn't seem to exist. If the theory is true, the planet must have been visible to our naked eye by now. The only way to confirm is, by waiting, as David Morrison said.
But there are news of Planet Nibiru, which can be seen in our naked eye. Here's the picture proof.

That's an interesting one. If Planet Nibiru was so bright, why aren't everyone able to see it? Anyways, you want to know what that bright spot is? It's called as the '
Sun Dog'. A Sun Dog is a particular type of a Ice Halo. Some amateur astronomers and photographers are confusing it with the Planet Nibiru.
Click Here to know about Sun Dogs.
Well, all I can say is that there is no such thing as the Planet Nibiru or destruction of Earth in 2012. If it is true, you MUST be able to see the planet in the next few months. Or, it's just fake and nothing else.
Click Here to know how the rumor of Nibiru began.