This picture was taken on September 1st, at Perth, Australia. This evening picture shows the crescent Moon along with three planets. The brightest of the three is Venus as the Evening Star. The tiny shining object above Venus is Mercury and the object at the top most is Mars. The three planets are found on the western sky after the sunset. This picture was taken across the Swan River and the six towers on the left of the image surrounds the Perth Cricket Stadium.
wow.... amazing pic inc.... nice pic indeed...havent neither seen mercury nor mars till date...every night, all i see are some stars...and venus(always)...
wow... gud u can recognize Venus...
U can also c Jupiter in the evening. Tat's the second brighest star in the sky n it will be almost over-head after sunset. Use Stellarium if u need help...
wow... mercury, venus, mars all on the same night!!! cool!
even a non universe nerd can identify venus... :P
i want to see all constellations ASAP...planets are next...
Cool Picture. Worth a Shot :-)
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